Staying fit with LAUFMAMALAUF

LAUFMAMALAUF Fitness exercise Mountain Climber

Mountain Climber

Our partner LAUFMAMALAUF presents and explains the fitness exercise: “Mountain Climber” for the Croozer!

The exercise “Mountain Climber” is perfect for a strong core. Here’s everything you need to know, in a nutshell:

Who? For mother and baby
Where? Outdoors
How many reps? Depending on your fitness level: start with 10-15 repetitions per side, followed by a short break; then do another 10-15 reps
General information: Always secure the wheels of your Croozer using the parking brake
Info for the mother: Concentrate on keeping your stomach and pelvic-floor muscles tightened during the exercise; keep your body rigid like a “board” to prevent your lower back from arching; keep your breathing even and calm

Doing the LAUFMAMALAUF fitness exercise Mountain Climber


Starting position:

  • Lean forward, supporting your weight with both hands on the Croozer and your elbows slightly bent
  • Your body should form a diagonal line from your feet through your hips to the top of your head
  • Keep your stomach and pelvic-floor muscles tight

The movement:

  • Pull your bent knee towards your chest, alternating legs
  • Do several repetitions

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