Our Engagement for Sustainabile Mobility

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Moving towards the mobility of the future

Be it traffic jams, noise, accidents and air pollution or environmental damage and the shortage of parking spaces: We are all feeling the consequences of our current traffic policies on a daily basis. And there’s one thing that most people can agree on: “It can’t go on like this!” But what exactly will need to happen in order to ensure that the transition to sustainable mobility can succeed? What are we at Croozer doing? You can find out here!

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What will it take for the transition to sustainable mobility to succeed?

Ban cars from cities – problem solved! Unfortunately, it’s not that easy, because, when it comes to mobility, there’s a wide range of factors to consider. Moreover, we believe that we cannot make the transition to sustainable mobility by punishing certain individual modes of transport: we will all have to work together. Here you can learn more about the areas in which changes will have to be made:

  • Technology: Most motorised vehicles, be it bus or car, are still powered by fossil fuels. A transition to carbon-neutral propulsion systems will be very important for reducing the amount of harmful emissions.
  • Belief systems: People who choose natural and sustainable forms of mobility, like cyclists and pedestrians, should be given as much priority as car drivers and have equal rights to other traffic on the roads. Currently, cars are still being prioritised.
  • Culture: In addition, the various forms of mobility should not be viewed separately, but should instead be more strongly interconnected – for example, so that you can easily combine cycling and public transport when commuting to work. Collective options, like car- and bike-sharing, also help reduce traffic levels.
  • Legal systems: Traffic laws and regulations should be reformed to guarantee safe and equal access for all road users. This includes guidelines for the use of public space, e.g. in order to expand cycling infrastructure.
  • Funding: For a transition to sustainable mobility, holders of political office at all levels must have enough funds at their disposal, e.g. for offering funding programmes or scaling up public transport systems.

This is why the transition to sustainable mobility is important

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What is Croozer doing?

With our bicycle trailers, we are already making an important contribution to emission-free transport in everyday (family) life. However, that’s not enough for us: To ensure that more people can make the transition to cycling, the framework conditions, like cycling infrastructure, bicycle safety and promotional services, will have to be appropriate. Because, regardless of how impressive our products are or how much you love cycling – if you don’t feel safe on the road, you won’t choose the bike.

It’s hard for us as individuals to make a difference, but there is power in numbers! This is why we are a member of various organisations) like the ADFC (German National Cyclists’ Association), NiMo (Network intelligent Mobility) and AGFS (Association for Pedestrian and Bicycle-friendly Cities, Townships and Districts in North Rhine Westphalia), and why we are fighting for a bicycle(-trailer)-friendly transport system. Political changes don’t happen overnight. Therefore, we will need a high level of commitment and patience.

How can Croozer bicycle trailers make your transition to a car-free life easier?

Many people find it difficult to give up the comforts of a car-dependent lifestyle. They ask themselves, “How would I transport my groceries, where would I park my bicycle and trailer, and can I ride my bike in the rain and still reach my destination without getting drenched?” You can find the answers to all of these questions on our blog!

Croozer's practical advantages:

There is still a long and arduous way to go until the transition to sustainable mobility becomes reality. But we at Croozer believe strongly in this transition and will continue working hard to make it happen!

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Store Magasin