Croozer Blog: Behind the Scenes

Croozer table of values

We are the culture

From respect and transparency to the mistakes that everyone learns from: A clear company culture with guidelines for working together – internally and externally – is the key to success. This is why we at Croozer also have a set of values that we live and breathe on a daily basis.

Openness, appreciation and personal responsibility: These three basic principles have shaped Croozer from the very beginning and have always been upheld, albeit often more unconsciously and completely automatically. However, last year, in the context of Hanna’s transition to managing director and through the new brand positioning, the Croozer staff felt it was time for these abstract principles to be translated into a set of concrete values.

To ensure that they would truly be our values, we decided that they should not be developed by a handful of colleagues or external advisers: Instead, we organised a workshop in which the entire Croozer staff could work on them together – and we are all very proud of the results:

We are courageous!

We let go of old habits, are open for new ideas, face challenges head on and work together to shape our environment.

No one can be the best at everything!

We see openness as the key to improvement. We speak openly, honestly and respectfully about both positive and negative issues and see criticism as a form of support and a potential for further development.

We are honest!

To ourselves and our colleagues. We treat each other with respect. Criticism is given in an objective, unbiased manner and helps move Croozer towards our shared aims.

We adopt an attitude of tolerance in everything we do!

We express our opinions openly and accept, respect and reflect on those of our colleagues, customers and partners.

We know our potential!

We are aware of our capabilities, know what we do and why we do it and constantly work on expanding our knowledge in order to independently achieve our aims.

We communicate as equals!

We create a working environment characterised by respect, fairness and equality – regardless of where we are from, what we believe in, what we have or are, how we live or whom we love.

We act with confidence!

Within our fields of expertise, we make decisions courageously and independently in the interests of the company. In this context, we know our area of responsibility and stand behind our decisions.

We show appreciation!

We listen to each other attentively, seek out constructive dialogue and are respectful of other people’s time.

We are proactive to the benefit of everyone!

We think outside the box to find potential solutions and opportunities, and we are proactive and independent in our work.

Simply better on the move together!

We value the contributions of our colleagues, customers and partner companies. Our appreciation is personalised, precise, emotional and expressed on a regular basis. Appreciation goes beyond reward and praise; it is an attitude of heart and mind that always sees the person and not just their performance.

Growing hand in hand – realisation of potential!

Be it individual potential or processes, we strengthen ourselves, our co-workers and our partner companies by identifying potential areas for improvement. We promote the identification and implementation of solutions.

We bring our values to life

Our company values are very important to us and should never be forgotten – after all, no one is immune to mistakes, particularly in more stressful situations. This is why we’ve had our values printed on a beautiful, large wooden panel, which is now hanging in our bistro as a daily reminder for everyone!

At our weekly coffee breaks, every team presents a single value on a rotating basis – using a story, an anecdote or an etymological explanation of an important term, like tolerance, respect or potential.

Ultimately, each and every Croozian is responsible for bringing Croozer’s values to life – but we like to exert just a little outside influence and use regular small-scale activities to call these values to mind and keep them alive!

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