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Wide Squat with Side Step

Wide Squat with Side Step

Our partner LAUFMAMALAUF presents and explains the fitness exercise: “Wide Squat with Side Step” with your Croozer!

The exercise “Wide Squat with Side Step” is ideal for a well-toned butt and well-defined legs. Here’s everything you need to know, in a nutshell:

Who? For mother with baby, or also solo
Where? Indoors or outdoors
How often? Depending on your fitness level: start with 12-15 repetitions, followed by a short break; then do another 12-15 reps in the other direction
Info for the mother: Concentrate on keeping your stomach and pelvic-floor muscles tightened during the exercise; keep your breathing even and calm

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The exercise

Starting position:

  • Stand beside the Croozer with your hand on the handlebar and your feet a bit wider than shoulder-width apart
  • Your toes should be pointed slightly outwards
  • Your knees should be slightly bent
  • Your pelvis should be in a neutral position (i.e. not tipping forward or back)
  • Your sternum should be raised
  • Your spine should be straight
  • Your shoulders shoud be lowered
  • Keep your stomach and pelvic-floor muscles tight

The movement:

  • Bend your knees and push your hips backwards while descending into a squat position
  • Lean your torso slightly forwards
  • Then straighten your legs and place your outside foot beside the other foot
  • Take another step to the side, and descend into a squat position again
  • Do several repetitions

An important reminder:

  • Keep your back straight
  • Maintain the tension in your stomach and pelvic-floor muscles
  • When doing the squat: Your knees should be pointing in the same direction as your toes; your knees should be over your ankles and your weight should be on your heels

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