Our partner LAUFMAMALAUF presents and explains the fitness exercise: “Lunge with Knee Lift” with your Croozer!
The exercise “Lunge with Knee Lift” is ideal for well-defined legs and a toned butt. Here’s everything you need to know, in a nutshell:
Who? For mother and baby
Where? Outdoors
How many reps? Depending on your fitness level: start with 8-10 repetitions per side, followed by a short break; then do another 8-10 reps
Info for the mother: Concentrate on keeping your stomach and pelvic-floor muscles tightened during the exercise; keep your breathing even and calm; keep your back straight (not letting your lower back arch); the lunge movement is primarily an up-and-down motion; in the lunge, your knee should always be over your ankle (knee bent 90°)
The exercise
Starting position:
- Stand behind the Croozer with your feet about hip-width apart
- Your arms should be minimally bent and your hands resting on the handlebar
- Inhale, tightening your stomach and pelvic-floor muscles
The movement:
- Step forward with your right leg, lowering your right knee and torso towards the ground while you push the Croozer forwards
- Pull the Croozer firmly towards you while returning to the standing position with your left knee raised
- Then take a lunging step forward with your left leg
- Do several repetitions, alternating sides